Tuesday 19 January 2016

How To Decorate Your Rental Home Without Painting

It can be frustrating living in rented accommodation and not being allowed to change the décor. But you're not as restricted as you might think.

Painting isn’t the only way you can update your living space, and get a welcome change of scenery; you just need to be a little creative.

Give Your Furniture A Splash Of Colour
If you can’t paint the walls of your home you may want to consider painting or reupholstering your furniture. You’d be amazed at how much difference a splash of colour on your wooden chairs and tables can make. You could also take a trip to your local car boot sale to see if you can pick up a couple of bargain items of furniture that can change up your colour scheme.

Decorate Your Walls Without Paint
You don’t need paint and a brush to give your walls a whole new lease of life. Photographs make great wall decorations and you can change them around as often as you like. You could even have a really big picture printed off and hang that on or across the wall. Don’t forget to hang photographs so that the bottom is at your eye level. If you want to create a pattern that spreads higher and lower on the wall, that’s no problem; just make sure that the centre of the pattern is at eye level.

Swap The Little Things
You don’t have to think big to change the feel of your home; it’s easy to update little things, and can often be done relatively cheaply. You can change the knobs on doors or cabinets, or invest in some new funky light shades. Your landlord should not have a problem with this, as long as you don’t cause any damage in the process, and you put all of the original items back in place before you leave the tenancy.

Try A Little Greenery
As long as you don’t mind giving them a little attention, plants are a great idea for making décor changes to a room. You have the added advantage of being able to move them around your home as you see fit. If you want easy to manage greenery then a spider plant or a cast iron plant is an excellent purchase. They require a limited amount of attention, and are difficult to kill. Cacti are also relatively easy to have in your home, and you could always adopt a cactus theme throughout, with different colours, shapes and sizes. If you opt to have plants in your home you could also be creating a healthier atmosphere; they release oxygen into the air through photosynthesis, and they also help to remove toxins from the air. Not only can you have a brighter home but one that’s better for your health too.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Tips To Make Unpacking After A Move Easier

Once the stress of your moving day is over, the first thing you want to do is sit down and relax in your new home. Unfortunately, you’ll have to unpack first.
Usually people will put off unpacking properly, with many boxes still waiting to be unpacked weeks after their move. Here's a few tips to give you a head start on your unpacking, and to make those first few nights in your new home a lot easier.

Clean the house

Giving the house a good clean first will get you ready for unpacking. This will provide you with a clean, ‘blank slate’ for unpacking, and will allow you to get a better idea of the floor plan and layout of this house – perfect for getting ideas on where to place furniture if you don’t already know.

Open essentials first

When packing, you should have packed an ‘essentials items’ box containing everything you’ll need for a few nights, which will make putting off unpacking non-essential boxes a lot less stressful. This should include items such as spare changes of clothes, toothbrushes and toothpaste, food, towels etc. Unpack this box first – it will completely abolish any time restraints you previously had and allow you to work at your own pace.

Create an Inventory list

We always recommend that homeowners create an inventory list of everything that is being transported and in which box (make sure you label your boxes). This will enable to you know which room each box belongs in when you get there and you can then sort the boxes by room placing a few in each room. A few boxes in each room looks a lot more manageable than a lot of boxes in one room.

Arrange large furniture

Your next step should be arranging larger furniture such as beds, sofas, wardrobes, tables etc. If you don't already have a floor plan and design set out, decide on where furniture is going before you move it – this will save you a lot of time and energy.


Start in the kitchen first, you'll be needing the kitchen around lunch time, earlier than any other room. Unpack all your appliances first and decide where you are going to keep them, plan where all your counter top appliances (your toaster, kettle etc.) are going to sit too.
After you've got your appliances and counter top units settled in, decide where all your items are going by designating cabinets to plates, cutlery, pots and pans, and food storage. Unpack each box one by one for improved organisation.


Start unpacking the bedrooms by arranging the larger items first such as the bed, wardrobe or any larger items such as chests of drawers or desks. Bed linens will make you feel at home in no time, make these a priority in the bedroom and unpack them first.


Set out essential items such as towels, toilet paper and soap. Place toiletries in cabinets so that they're easy to find. This room isn't the biggest priority as it doesn't have a lot to unpack.
Hopefully with these tips you'll be able to make your move a lot less overwhelming. If you're looking for removals in Manchester check out this removals company.

Monday 16 November 2015

How To Lift Correctly To Avoid A Bad Back

Moving home is a hard task to do alone especially if you have a bad back and lifting the wrong way will just make it worse.
Lower back pain can result in broken bones, torn ligaments, and muscle strain. This can result in weeks or even months out of work.
Moving house is much easier if you hire a removal company for the job. They will do all the heavy lifting for you, and they will ensure the safety and security of the items during the move and they will do a professional job. 

Some of the benefits that you get with a removal company

A removal company knows how to pack things the right way so that the items will not be damaged during the move. They ensure that the items arrive at the destination in one piece and on time.
If you try to move yourself, you will not only risk straining your back but there’s also the likelihood that an item will be destroyed during the move.
Removal companies also have the right van for the job. Don't stuff all your belongings in your car, or on top of your car Mr.Bean style, use Movers specialised vans that are designed to fit large loads and speed up moving times. It is the cost effective way of moving home.
Moving companies plan all the logistics of the relocation that will save you time and effort. They will take care of everything and help you settle into your new home, providing invaluable peace of mind.
The professional movers will not only be lifting boxes correctly; they will also use their experience and knowledge to make the job take as little time as possible. They will reduce the transit time and complete the move on time.
Removal companies can schedule the arrival and departure of their movers at the convenience of the customer. That way the move can be planned according to your availability.